May 2, 2011

Farmers Market

The weather was amazing on Sunday (almost 70 degrees, woo hoo)! I got so much gardening in, that I have enough material for all of my posts this week. Pheeew!

We went to our local farmers market and I felt like sharing some photos as I gained some new inspiration and excitement for my own garden, and hopefully you will too.

There were tons of starts for sale, what a great way to get your garden going.

Fresh Washington apples of course!

 I've got to make room in my garden for some leeks.

We picked up some fresh salmon for dinner and used cilantro, chives, and parsley from my garden to prepare it.

Look at all of this! I'm inspired!

 I wish I hadn't dug up my asparagus.

We made a visit to "The Walrus and The Carpenter" a newer oyster bar in our neighborhood (Ballard). If you like oysters and are ever in Seattle, this is the place to go.

Eleven oyster varieties to choose from!

We ordered a yummy cheese called "Monte Enebro" which was delightful, but the herb that accompanied it made the dish. It is called Sweet Cicely and has a sweet, fresh taste to it. 
In doing a bit of research, this herb is hardy and enjoys partial shade. Sounds like a great herb for me to grow! Has anyone grown Sweet Cicely before?

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